
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Winner's of Challenge #82 - Music Inspired

Good day!! I hope everyone did a little bit of blog hopping from this weeks challenge. If not please do because the creations are fabulous! Sweet inspiration! Music is a sure way to cheer the soul and say sometimes what we can't. Thank you to everyone who came out to play Lori's challenge this last week. We appreciate it tons. Here are our TOP3 picks.

Gorgeous flowers and layout! The colors you picked are just wonderful and the little details add to the pop of your creation. The song Two Hearts are better than one is a beautiful song. Marvelous inspiration.


Fun, fun, fun, pattern papers and colors you used for the super star layout! Fantastic image...wouldn't we all love to be a super star! Your coloring is just fabby on your image. Rockin out to great inspiration.


Pure elegance of dance! Fantastic silhouette image and the music paper behind it is just gorgeous. The colors are so soft and beautiful and the crocheted trim and jewels add to the elegance of your anniversary card. Wonderful inspiration.

Congratulations, ladies! Please grab your Golden Egg badge and display it proudly on your blog! We'd love it if you could link it back to our challenge blog too.

Thanks to all who participated in our "MUSIC INSPIRED" Challenge. We will see you tomorrow morning with another fun challenge! Come on out and see our Guest Designer, Kasey has for us this week!


  1. Thank you I'm so pleased to have won a Golden Egg Award, I will be proud to desplay it on my blog. Congrats to the others in the top 3. Jumping for joy hugs, lin

  2. Ohhh thank you so much for picking my layout as one of the Top 3!
    That made my day ♥♥♥
    Congrats to the other winners too!

  3. Thanks for choosing my Super Star card, Just uploaded my Award and linked it back here. Congrats to the other winners


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