
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Chicks Picks Challenge# 198 {BABY}

Good afternoon!  This winners post is brought to you by the hot sunny weather in Illinois!  Last week we had beautiful temps around 75 F and now this week we are in the high 90's!  I think I am ready for Fall!
Well, on to this weeks winners - We had so many beautiful entries it was hard for us chicks to decide but with out further ado, here are this weeks "Chicks Picks"(in no particular order):

Nanne's Creations:



Congratulations!  Please grab your Golden Egg blog badge and display it proudly on your blog.  We'd love it if you could link it back to our challenge blog too.

4 CC Golden Egg Award
Be sure to come back tomorrow and see what challenge Tamie has in store for us!


  1. so proud that my baby card is chosen for the top 3.
    Congratulations for the other ladies!

  2. thanks so much ladies and congrats to the other winners too :D

    xx coops xx


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