
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Chicks Picks #289 {7 Layers}

Good afternoon!  Welcome back to the hen house! 

A huge thank you for all of the lovely entries!  You guys all ROCK!

Without further delay here are our Chicks Picks for the week:


Congratulations!  Please grab your Golden Egg blog badge and display it proudly on your blog.  We'd love it if you could link it back to our challenge blog too.
4 CC Golden Egg Award
Be sure to come back tomorrow and see what challenge Tamie has in store for us!


  1. Thank you so much!! So excited for my entry to be one of the picks from all of the beautiful projects submitted! Made my day :-)

  2. YeeHaw!! Thanks so much for making me one of your "Chick Picks" this time around, I will display my badge with pride :-) Donna


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