
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Top Chicks Picks #249 Graduation

Thanks friends for stopping back to check on who won our Graduation Challenge.  Thanks to you all who entered the challenge.  In numerical order:


Congratulations!  Please grab your Golden Egg blog badge and display it proudly on your blog.  We'd love it if you could link it back to our challenge blog too.

4 CC Golden Egg Award

Be sure to come back tomorrow and see what challenge Tina has in store for us!


  1. Thank you for the Top Pick...I've added your badge to my sidebar!

  2. Thank you!!! There were so many wonderful entries.

  3. I'm thrilled that you chose my card as one of the entries to receive the Golden Egg Award! Thanks so much!!

  4. Thank you so much ladies! Made my evening to be a top pick at 4 Crafty Chicks!


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